Ten Great Open Ended Questions For Fundraisers

Hello!  Thank you for checking this list out. It contains a few example questions that you can ask your donors to help further engage them, as well as add depth to any conversation.

1. What inspired you to support our cause and participate in this fundraiser?
2. How do you believe our organization’s mission aligns with your personal values?
3. In what ways do you think our community will benefit from the funds raised through this event?
4. What other creative fundraising ideas do you have in mind to generate support for our cause?
5. Can you share any personal stories or experiences that illustrate the impact of our organization’s work?
6. How do you envision your contribution making a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve?
7. What kind of positive change do you hope to see in our community as a result of this fundraiser?
8. How would you encourage others to get involved and support our cause?
9. What strategies or approaches do you think would be effective in reaching our fundraising goal?
10. Can you describe a time when you’ve witnessed the power of collective giving and its impact on a cause you care about?
Remember, open-ended questions invite more detailed and thoughtful responses, allowing individuals to share their personal perspectives and experiences, which can be valuable in fundraising efforts. 

Do you have other questions that you use that may be helpful?  Please feel free to add them in the comments below, or better yet share your own questions by submitting a short TIP containing your favorites on our store!! Thank you for your support!